welcome to the void travel agency !
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more locations to be added , once we map out more of the void !

i hope your day is wonderful

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( akazautism )

listen to deco*27 !!

strange box with eyeballs ;

also known by the locals as the prison realm , it's the most active location in the void despite its small size . it's home to the void's host — carnage — as well .disclaimers :: retweet-heavy , satosugu-heavy , may be slightly nsfw due to thirst tweeting .

return to main page .☆

get to know the residents !

( we don't have info logs on the second resident yet . will update as soon as we do . )

visit the location now !

i'm proud of you for existing

perpetually filled bathtub ;

the most notable part of this bathtub is its water . it manages not to spill out , even as its tub tumbles across the vast space .disclaimers :: none you should worry about . so far .

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get to know the residents !

visit the location now !

things will get better